A Therapeutic Treasure Deck- Sentence Completion and Feelings Cards (Available for pre-order at http://amzn.to/2u6Upw0)
The perfect tool to add to any ‘therapeutic treasure box’, this set of 68 cards provide a way to help open conversations and structure discussions with children and adolescents aged 6+.
The treasure deck offers a fun, non-threatening way to help to build understanding and forge relationships. It also provides a safe, playful way for children to articulate and make sense of their feelings, thoughts, experiences and beliefs. The deck comes with two different types of card – the ‘feelings cards’ and the ‘sentence-completion cards’ – which can be used separately or together, and the cards are accompanied by a booklet which explains some of the different ways in which they can be therapeutically used.

A Therapeutic Treasure Deck- Sentence Completion and Feelings Cards (Available for pre-order at http://amzn.to/2u6Upw0)
The perfect tool to add to any ‘therapeutic treasure box’, this set of 68 cards provide a way to help open conversations and structure discussions with children and adolescents aged 6+.
The treasure deck offers a fun, non-threatening way to help to build understanding and forge relationships. It also provides a safe, playful way for children to articulate and make sense of their feelings, thoughts, experiences and beliefs. The deck comes with two different types of card – the ‘feelings cards’ and the ‘sentence-completion cards’ – which can be used separately or together, and the cards are accompanied by a booklet which explains some of the different ways in which they can be therapeutically used.

Parenting patchwork cards
This versatile deck features 100 colourful cards and a detailed instruction manual. Developed by Dr. Karen Treisman for professionals working with parents, carers and families, it is a proven, easy to use tool to help explore relationships and aid assessments and interventions. The deck is designed to be comprehensive and adaptable, covering child-parent/carer relationships; parenting experiences; parenting capacity; trauma; and childhood development. It is divided into three sections. The first explores children’s needs and parenting skills. The second offers sample questions to help adults to learn about child development and the impact of trauma. The third provides questions to ask during psychoeducation, interventions and assessments. A valuable tool which covers the breadth of the ‘Parenting Patchwork’, this deck will provide opportunities for reflection, and encourages empathic, curious, compassionate practice.
A series of video modules supporting the use are here- https://library.jkp.com/id004325868/The-Parenting-Patchwork-Treasure-Deck
Please note the below are just a small selection of therapeutic resources which I use- See “Working with Relational and Developmental Trauma in Children and Adolescents”, and “A Therapeutic Treasure box for Children and Adolescents with Relational and Developmental Trauma” (Due to be released in 2017) for ideas and guidance on different ways I use these resources in a therapeutic context.
Feeling-based resources (Supporting child to identify, express, label, and regulate their feelings)

Multicultural Feelings masks

Emotion foam stickers

Emotion stones

Emotion stamps

Emotion keyring

Feelings flashcards

Thoughts and feelings cards (Sentence completion)

Feelings foam dice

Feelings in a jar

Egg expressions

Emotions dominos

Emotion fishing games

Polystyrene head (Useful for the head of thoughts and feelings exercise)

Muslin dolls

Russian dolls

All about me mirrors

Miniland 32350 Emotiblocks Basic Emotions, Multi-Color

Fabric create a face

Yellow Door Emotion Stone Set

NewZC Unfinished Wooden Peg Dolls 4 Sizes Wooden People Figures Blank Wood Doll Bodies Natural Craft People Blank Puppets for DIY Arts and Crafts Paint Carved Carving

Presley the pug book on emotional regulation

Worry monster toy with zipped mouth

Worry Eater toy with zip mouth

Worry Eater toy with zip mouth

Worry Eater- coin purse size

Wooden worry worms

Measuring worms- http://amzn.to/2cO6op7

Guatemalan worry dolls (Set of 6 small dolls) http://amzn.to/2cUpSKW

Guatemalan worry dolls (large) – http://amzn.to/2dih5oQ

Fair trade Worry fairy- http://amzn.to/2cIaqU3

Design your own safe place/ memory/ happy pillow- http://amzn.to/2doFGce

Paper butterflies- http://amzn.to/2dcXeo0

Doodle bear- http://amzn.to/2d9Ejuv

Colour in bear- http://amzn.to/2diubTb

Fair Trade Fairy Dreamcatcher- http://amzn.to/2cIaeUT

Dreamcatcher and good luck keyring- http://amzn.to/2dE5e4z

Large Dream catcher- http://amzn.to/2cYjZ2T

Make your own dream catcher kit- http://amzn.to/2cNYVGB

Dream catcher design pillow case- http://amzn.to/2dfm1vm

Lavender pillow set- http://amzn.to/2cYwRpI

Heart beat teddy bear- http://amzn.to/2cUFSfS

Fairy dust- http://amzn.to/2d9Edmq

Binnie book

Neon book

Presley the pug book on emotional regulation

Magic fairy dust

Worry plaque

Genie from Aladdin toy- http://amzn.to/2cUtD2S

Fairy dust- http://amzn.to/2d9Edmq

Fairy door and fairy dust- http://amzn.to/2cYti2z

Fortune teller ball- http://amzn.to/2cYktWL

Guardian angel- http://amzn.to/2cUIPgG

Large Dream catcher- http://amzn.to/2cYjZ2T

Make your own dream catcher kit- http://amzn.to/2cNYVGB

Wishing well miniature- http://amzn.to/2cYlGgA

Unicorn miniature- http://amzn.to/2d0s7fM

Wizard miniature- http://amzn.to/2doXpQ3

Shields to design and decorate- http://amzn.to/2dgTDHn

Hideaway puppet (Tree with nest and pond) – http://amzn.to/2cwJKpy

Hideaway puppet (Under the sea) – http://amzn.to/2cNZNem

Hideaway puppet (Volcano)- http://amzn.to/2dkqEzv

Hideaway puppet (Monkey in a tree) – http://amzn.to/2dklsvo

Find-it tubes game- http://amzn.to/2cO3Ffs

Multi-cultural people foam shapes- http://amzn.to/2dilnwz

Hand cut-outs- http://amzn.to/2cwM7bD

Person card shapes- http://amzn.to/2cUvAwA

Jumbo person cut-outs- http://amzn.to/2dkregu

Blank face cut outs- http://amzn.to/2cwMF1j

Whiteboard set of people- http://amzn.to/2dimlZx

Fabric pens- http://amzn.to/2dinz7h

Glass pens- http://amzn.to/2cO46X8

Patchwork fabric squares- http://amzn.to/2cUAREd

Candles- glass holders

Wooden photo frames to decorate

Wooden photo frames to decorate

Wooden house to decorate

Fabric capes

Muslin dolls

Russian dolls

Portable sand tray- http://amzn.to/2dkrJrb

Knights and dragon miniature set- http://amzn.to/2doVtXY

Fairies miniature set- http://amzn.to/2d3qEsq

Different jobs miniature set- http://amzn.to/2doPhLC

Mystical creature miniature set- http://amzn.to/2d0shDP

Bird- http://amzn.to/2dcZXOu

Sea animals- http://amzn.to/2doOkTz

Butterflies- http://amzn.to/2dgVCeC

Babies- http://amzn.to/2doXIuu

Boat and in the water vehicles- http://amzn.to/2doXEuC

In the sky- http://amzn.to/2d3sNoa

Dinosaurs- http://amzn.to/2d3srOd

Safari animals- http://amzn.to/2dd1oMY

Safari baby animals- http://amzn.to/2dgYKYd

Farm animals- http://amzn.to/2d3tXQj

Farm baby animals- http://amzn.to/2d3v16J

Army and soldier- http://amzn.to/2d3sIAJ

Wooden village house- http://amzn.to/2d0veEC

Bridge miniature- http://amzn.to/2dgZcFH

Sand art kit- http://amzn.to/2d9ErKc

Sand art keyring (star shaped)- http://amzn.to/2dkxjcU

Sand art keyring (heart shaped)- http://amzn.to/2dkwUr3

Glow in the dark sand art kit- http://amzn.to/2d9Ciyw

Kinetic sand set (need more sand to fill tray) – http://amzn.to/2d9GiyO

Plain wooden treasure chest- http://amzn.to/2cUAZDV

Photo frame box- http://amzn.to/2dksZdY

Treasure chest box- http://amzn.to/2d9DFNH

Children’s memory box- http://amzn.to/2cUBrli

Memory box- http://amzn.to/2d9CoGj

Tangle- http://amzn.to/2cO9t8P

World in your hand stress ball- http://amzn.to/2d9DXE0

Feathers- http://amzn.to/2dirCjS

Play-doh deluxe kit- http://amzn.to/2cO585D

Aroma clay- http://amzn.to/2dksb8U

Bubbles- http://amzn.to/2dirxwF

Pipe cleaners- http://amzn.to/2dkvpJt

Design your own snow globe- http://amzn.to/2dkvMU9

Mandala colouring book- http://amzn.to/2cO8ZPT

Grounding stone- http://amzn.to/2disJ2X

Rubix cube- http://amzn.to/2cUFL4f

Kaleidoscope- http://amzn.to/2cYx38m

Aromatherapy starter kit- http://amzn.to/2doNLcf

Glitter sticks- https://amzn.to/2SoKXSt

Glitter keyrings- https://amzn.to/3d1vOON

Stretchy fidget- https://amzn.to/2y79Mf0

Squishy stress ball- https://amzn.to/3d2Ravd

Changing colour squishy stress ball- https://amzn.to/2YlZS3y

Fidget set of 20 pieces- https://amzn.to/3bS3puH

Fidget set of 27 pieces- https://amzn.to/3f6cYrD

Fidget set of 24 pieces- https://amzn.to/2KPvLty

Liquid timers- https://amzn.to/2zMSm7R

Sensory tubes- https://amzn.to/35jkISR

Nature sensory set- https://amzn.to/3cXe5Im

Mixed shells- https://amzn.to/2Wig1EA

Learning Resources Teachable Touchables Textures Squares– https://amzn.to/3bROHUt

Sensory necklace round- https://amzn.to/3c4mkCg

Sensory necklace- rectangle- https://amzn.to/2Sn6Ql0

Aromatherapy necklace tree- https://amzn.to/2KPwLxO

Aromotherapy necklace round- https://amzn.to/2VQc0bp

Brain soft model- http://amzn.to/2cYyFPm

Human brain colouring book- http://amzn.to/2cYxy1Z

Brain neuron- http://amzn.to/2cYyFir

Brain soft toy- http://amzn.to/2d9I3MC

People figurines- http://amzn.to/2cwNcAa

Paint your own Russian dolls- http://amzn.to/2cO8jdv

Etch a sketch- http://amzn.to/2disPaI

Circle of friend’s candle- http://amzn.to/2cYuseF

Self-esteem totika- http://amzn.to/2cO8JRf

Dammit dolls- http://amzn.to/2disEfK

Blank puzzle- http://amzn.to/2diuNbf

Building blocks- Lego- http://amzn.to/2doLSw7

Enchanted tree puppet- http://amzn.to/2d0pL0u